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What if there was a way to reduce your shrinkage, even the number of deliveries, and always provide your customer with a higher quality product ?

With TRANSPORTFRESH you can do that and more…

TRANSPORTFRESH will increase your bottom line, your customer’s bottom line, and benefit the environment by reducing not only your carbon footprint, but the much larger problem of methane production from food waste.

The same 100% Green, 100% Sustainable, Zero Footprint “Technology” that made the All-Natural Mineral mixes of RD FRESH such a success in the commercial market (10 years)  and VEGIEFRESH such a success in the retail market (7 years) is now available for the Transportation Industry.

From “FARM TO FORK” is the new focus of sustainable produce and TRANSPORTFRESH is the solution for fresher produce from the packer, to the shipper, to the distribution center, all the way to the retailer, and most importantly, to the consumer. What better way to build brand loyalty than throughout the entire Farm to Fork “chain”.
These 2- or 3-gram bags are designed to go directly into the packaging.
They are ideal for the growers and retailers looking for customer loyalty and the marketing value of "Going Green" while Truly Helping the Environment.
They also work wonders in prepackaged foods like Salads, Sandwiches, Artisan Bread, and other Ready To Go items.
The 2- or 3-ounce bags are designed to go directly into the larger boxes of produce. They are ideal for getting your product to the RETAILERS shelves in excellent condition.
The 12-ounce bags can be enclosed in our Pallet Topper Clamshell and is designed to wedge in- between boxes on top of the pallet to help with shrinkage during the trucking cycle to the DISTRIBUTION POINT.

The Cardboard Panel is designed to mount in the
top of the Reefer Trailer for the company that moves produce daily.
The panel will hold up (3) 12-ounce Transport Fresh Bags and will last
3 to 4 weeks.

2 Gram, 3 Gram, 1 Ounce , 2 Ounce, 4 Ounce, 12 Ounce, 16 Ounce pack are available and customizable to your individual product needs to achieve the best results possible. 

 Please contact Mike at (800) 231-8582 to discuss your Transport Fresh Needs.